VASCO aXsGUARD Gatekeeper Enterprise Bundle
Designed for the SMB market
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The Enterprise Remote Access bundle offers secure web-based access to your network on top of the STANDARD Bundle.
The bundle includes a Reverse Proxy which protects internal webservers from hacking attempts. To authenticate your users it can use the built in VACMAN Controller. This enables strong user authentication to protect any webserver without the need to adapt your website. For dedicated web applications, like Outlook Web Access and Citrix, it allows single sign-on features.
The SSL VPN web portal allows a connection from any browser towards the local network. The default web portal page - protected with Two-factor authentication - can be customized for each user according to his needs. Default applications are available, which will allow you to set up Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) RDP sessions, browse internal web servers, access local file servers…
You can optionally extend the Enterprise RAS bundle with an active/passive High Availability appliance.
Reliability of the AXS GUARD hardware is among the highest in its category. Nevertheless, to allow 100% uptime, there is the possibility to have a second AXS GUARD in High availability mode. The active/passive high availability (HA) allows a full time continuity of your AXS GUARD. The second system is available through the AXS GUARD RAS Enterprise Backup bundle.
Includes software modules
- Administration
- Network
- Monitoring and logging
- Authentication
- Firewall
- IPS and iDS
- VPN server
- Web traffic filtering
- Multiple internet gateways
- Bandwidth management
- Public DNS
- Application firewall
- SSL-VPN webportal
- High availability (Enterprise Backup)
Software Modules:
Monitoring and logging
VPN server
Web traffic filtering
Multiple Internet Gateways
Bandwidth management
Public DNS
Application Firewall
SSL-VPN webportal
High Availability (Enterprise Backup)
Content Scanning: Web traffic
Content Scanning: Mail traffic
Content Scanning: Mail Server
aXsGUARD Gatekeeper:
aXsGUARD Gatekeeper is a security appliance dedicated to the needs of the SME market. The solution is designed for administrators who want an all-in-one solution for Internet connectivity and security. 25 functional features are bundled together into 4 software packages with additional content scanning licenses. Each software bundle can run on one of the five available hardware models allowing organizations of any size to choose the most suitable combination of performance and features. aXsGUARD Gatekeeper works transparently with any other solution allowing organizations to activate only those features they really need. Additionally, aXsGUARD fits perfectly into any network environment, whether it's a Microsoft, Linux, Mac or mixed environment.
1 hardware platform - 3 software bundles
The three Remote Access Solution software bundles can operate on each available physical or virtual aXsGUARD Gatekeeper platform. Should you require additional features, you simply can upgrade to another software bundle, even without switching the hardware appliance. An automated updating and licensing system will remotely push the new features to aXsGUARD Gatekeeper avoiding lengthy upgrade or installation procedures as your current configuration will continue to run as before.
1 software solution performance based appliances
Each aXsGUARD Gatekeeper software bundle is available on any physical or virtual hardware platform.
The hardware platform is also available as a virtual appliance which works with every major virtualization software. The appliances only differ in performance and in the number of network connections available. Each appliance has the same functional features and user interface which makes administration of multiple devices a lot easier. The web-based GUI ensures intuitive administrator use for all aXsGUARD appliances, from large installations on multiple sites to a single appliance on a remote location.
ADDITIONAL user licenses
To offer complete protection for your network, aXsGUARD Gatekeeper comes with separate content scanning and authentication licenses. Content scanning exists in a basic and a standard version with yearly renewable licenses.
The authentication feature can complement the Gatekeeper appliance by simply adding the VACMAN plugin license and DIGIPASS authenticators.
Recommended Users
Each combination of hardware and software has a recommended number of users. The number of users is an indication of best performance and hardware maintenance for the appliance and surmises that all available features – including the content scanning option – have been activated. There is no user limit, however, when the number of users exceeds recommendations, system performance may be influenced. As expected, the number of users can be increased when fewer options have been selected.
Product Pictures

Personal aXsGUARD (AG1497)
aXsGUARD Gatekeeper: an outstanding all-in-one security solution
Organizations worldwide understand the need to secure their business-critical data and network from unauthorized access. At the same time they are also aware that anytime, anywhere access becomes overall important for a dispersed workforce and remote offices. Companies are looking for a one-stop shop to provide an overall security solution that can secure network, mail and web traffic; ensure secure access to the central network from remote sites and guarantees high availability to ensure productivity.
VASCO's aXsGUARD Gatekeeper is an all-in-one security concept that offers secure remote access to your business-critical data through VPN tunnels. Depending on your needs, aXsGUARD offers out-of-the-box different site to site connections, as well as highly secured, personalized remote access solutions.
Productivity is enhanced as downtime is eliminated with offered features such as high availability and Internet redundancy.
- All-in-one security solution
- Business continuity is guaranteed thanks to high availability and Internet redundancy (multiple Internet lines)
- Powerful VPN e-tunnels and central management to easily manage all your sites
- Secure network access protected with integrated two-factor authentication out-of-the-box.
- Reduced complexity (one central appliance)
- Two-factor authentication integrated out-of-the-box
- Flexible solution that grows with your needs and which can be integrated into any environment (Windows, Mac, Linux)
- Easy to manage with first class support
- Focus on your core business, while aXsGUARD takes care of your security
aXsGUARD enables services for Value Added Resellers
aXsGUARD Gatekeeper RAS software is the same software suite which is deployed on each hardware or virtual platform. You only need to acquaint yourself with one solution to service all your customers, regardless of the size of their organization.
An easy upgrade path allows you to expand the aXsGUARD Gatekeeper as the needs of your customer grow. Since the software remains the same only the hardware needs to be replaced. Every aXsGUARD connects to VASCO' service center every 4 hours to back-up its configuration. In case of unexpected hardware failure, or when upgrading towards a stronger hardware system, the configuration can easily be restored from the service center back-up system.
Every customer's infrastructure runs on the same version thank to automated updates There is no need for patch management at the customer's site as everything is automated and centrally managed. With VASCO's central management portal, resellers get an overview of all the customers' systems simplifying support tasks and increasing upsell possibilities. Every aXsGUARD Gatekeeper reports his status back to this central platform, so you immediately get an overview of the managed systems. Furthermore, you can access every customer's appliance remotely through a secure connection from the Central Management portal.
Because of the completeness of the solution and the availability of servers for the complete SME market, there's no need to invest in training, support and spare parts of multiple different vendors. aXsGUARD Gatekeeper can easily be preconfigured in the setup you desire, and can be copied to every new system.
The standard exchange warranty system allows you to give lifetime warranty on your customer's environment, and allows upgrades at almost the price difference, guaranteeing the best ROI and TCO. All these unique points severely reduce the chance of mistakes and oversights meaning that your customers get a faster and better service. The SEAL training program allows your support staff to become certified engineers allowing you to better service your customers. aXsGUARD Gatekeeper and VASCO allow you to focus on new business while providing you with a time-saving, high-quality solution.
- Easy and complete solution
- 1 solution to secure all your customers
- Central management providing a complete status overview of your customers
- Upgrade path
- Remote assistance from reseller to customer
- Assistance from the vendor for certified engineers
- End-customer gets offering high quality service
Business automation for secure remote assistance
Remote assistance and support is a valuable asset for customer retention. Management and support at a customer's site however, is not as evident as it seems. Organizations are confronted with different procedures and workflows, specific network implementations and rules, administration issues, the deployment of machinery, logistic hassles…
VASCO has developed a specific aXsGUARD Gatekeeper concept for business automation enabling remote assistance and management across the entire business ensuring service continuity and eliminating costly manual processes. . A solution ideally suited to meet the provisioning and configuration needs of large, heterogeneous, geographically distributed environments. aXsGUARD Gatekeeper is deployed at the main site and VASCO's Personal aXsGUARD is deployed at the customer's site or built-in into your remote products and machinery, but managed on the central aXsGUARD Gatekeeper.
The secure link between the main and remote site enables remote assistance and support, automatic software updates etc.
- Secure remote access to remote sites and equipment
- Enhanced supportability - aXsGUARD Gatekeeper can help companies to create an easily supported and consistent environment
- Helps companies to implement a fixed method of work flow
- Server and network automation
- Central administration
- Time-saving (instant remote access, no need to deploy people on remote site)
- Cost-efficient
- Overcomes network issues and policies at remote sites
- Flexibility - Administrators can define different sets of policies and rules for different user types and a different number of environments
Secure government infrastructure with limited resources
Information and network access security are of vital importance for local governments in order to prevent confidential information from falling into the wrong hands.
VASCO has years of experience and a proven track record of successfully mitigating security vulnerabilities. With aXsGUARD Gatekeeper VASCO helps local municipalities and governmental organizations to implement complete IT security solutions to protect valuable information and assets. Access is provided through a secure, encrypted connection in order to protect the network from hackers. Users can authenticate themselves by generating an OTP using for instance their electronic identity card, By adding additional content scanning licenses, users are protected from malware and malicious sites can be blacklisted.
The all-in-one concept allows the municipality's IT department to organize and control its own security, without having to acquaint itself with different multiple systems and the complexity of making different appliances work together.
If necessary, aXsGUARD Gatekeeper can be remotely managed by the IT partner helping local governments to stay ahead of the onslaught of IT threats at a fixed price.
aXsGUARD Gatekeeper provides several possibilities for secure remote access, making it easy to connect different sites of municipalities through aXsGUARD Gatekeeper's e-tunnels with automatic failover. Smaller sites with only a couple of workplaces can be connected and centrally managed with a Personal aXsGUARD. Confidential documents are securely shared through the SSL web portal, protected with a DIGIPASS device.
- Complete solution, covering all aspects of network security
- Ideal for undermanned IT staff
- Full scale of remote access possibilities. Choose the best fit for each location and application
- Cost savings through centralization
- Enhanced confidentiality
- High-availability of services
- Increased transparency
- Guarantees privacy of employees surfing behavior, but allows control
Internet redundancy
Guaranteed business continuity for SMEs
Internet has become indispensable in today's business world. As business applications are moving to the cloud, a reliable internet connection is crucial for SMEs to ensure business continuity. To ensure the continuity and availability of your company and employees at all times, VASCO launches a tailor-made solution for SMEs.
The aXsGUARD Gatekeeper Standard bundle is a solution where a second internet line is deployed in addition to the line of your existing provider. By installing internet lines using different technologies (cable - xDSL), connectivity is guaranteed and you can continue working without any problems even when the internet connection should fail. aXsGUARD Gatekeeper will immediately detect failures and automatically switch to another available line.
This bundle also includes a VPN client and server allowing for an automated and stable VPN connection towards datacenters hosting the infrastructure.. To secure a connection towards the hosted private cloud of the SME, you can easily setup a virtual aXsGUARD Gatekeeper in your datacenter. This aXsGUARD ensures a stable connection towards remote offices and at the same time provides strong authentication towards your mobile employees. No additional security measures need to be installed to safeguard viable information in the cloud. The bundle also includes the web content scanning feature.
- Business continuity guaranteed for all incoming/outgoing traffic (e-mail, internal and external websites, VPN, ...)
- Flexibility
- Connect multiple internet connections to your network and choose which type of internet traffic passes through which line (surfing, mailing, downloading files, ...)
- Reliability
- Ample experience (>3500 installations)
- Robust hardware with the possibility of a lifetime warranty
- Speed
- Divide your internet traffic over your available Internet lines. This gives you the best speed according to your needs
- Easy maintenance with automatic software updates and remote configuration back-up
- Future proof solution:
- Ready for strong authentication via DIGIPASS-technology
- Easy to extend (software bundles, content scanning, DIGIPASS)
- Upgrade to more performing hardware against the price difference
Available in the aXsGUARD RAS Standard and aXsGUARD RAS ENTERPRISE editions
Content Scanning:
Content Scanning: Mail
The content scanner supports the most common mail protocols. E-mails can be stored on aXsGUARD Gatekeeper's mail server or can be delivered to an external mail server after scanning for spam and malware.
To stop all unsolicited mails, the content scanner has a multi-layered way of scanning e-mails. A first scan will take the custom configured rules of blacklisting and whitelisting into consideration. Secondly, all known malevolent mails will be blocked based on default blocking mechanisms such as header checks or a list of banned IP addresses.
Optionally, greylisting can be activated. With this feature, aXsGUARD will bounce received mails a first time. An actual mail server will resend the mail which will be accepted by the aXsGUARD appliance which will then list the sender's mail address as 'safe' after a couple of successful mail deliveries. The reasoning behind this is that most spammers will not resend mails.
In the standard version, DCC (Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse) will check with the central VASCO database to determine whether mail is spam. Mail virus scanning is also included: the Basic version uses Clamav; the Standard version additionally uses the Trend Micro engine.
Each mail is scanned and scored based on its' content. The administrator can then decide for each user or group if the mail should be blocked, delivered or marked as spam. The administrator can also decide what needs to be done with mail attachments, based on the mime type.
Because spam can sometimes be very local and personalized, users can resend detected spam (or non-spam) mails back to aXsGUARD Gatekeeper, which will learn from these mails and as a result will adjust the spam scores.
Content Scanning: WEB
To avoid that users import all kinds of malware and to increase productivity, all web traffic should pass the proxy on aXsGUARD Gatekeeper. After authentication (web-based or SSO by using static passwords or 2-factor authentication), specific rules can be applied to each user or group of users. It doesn't matter which PC the user logs on to, he will always receive his specific web browsing rules.
In order to create those rules aXsGUARD Gatekeeper first needs lists: A site list can exist out of a list of defined URLs or parts of URLs in wording. It can contain words and URLs that you want to block, or words and URLs that should pass. (E.g. the administrator might want to block URLs with the word sex, but would want to allow URLs with the word msexchange
Predefined blacklists are available on aXsGUARD Gatekeeper, categorizing 3.5 million sites into 90 different categories such as, malicious web pages (spyware, Phishing, virus infected,…); adult related content (adult, porn, art nudes,…); social networking (chat, blog, im, mail, …); gaming (gambling, online gaming,…); whitelist (!) 100% suitable for kids;…
Since site lists never can provide a complete list of all malicious sites on the Internet (due to localizations and new sites popping up every day), the standard version of Content Scanning also includes web content scanning: every web page will be scanned and analyzed, based on the content of a page.
Using content analysis, the content scanner tags particular words and phrases with a score and a category (e.g. the word breast would lead to give a negative score, but when the word cancer is found in the same page, it would give a better score). 30 different predefined wordlists (positive and negative) in multiple languages are provisioned in aXsGUARD Gatekeeper. Administrators can create their own additional wordlists to give an even better result. After content scanning, the total web page receives a certain score.
These site lists and wordlists are then combined into categories, to create a complete list of rules. It avoids repetitive work and adds granularity to the access rights you want to give to different users.
A category can be defined as an allowed list, a forbidden list and an exception list. The exception list is used to block URLs inside a webpage, without blocking the whole page.
These categories are then added to access control lists (ACL). An ACL exist of categories of sites and the time when this ACL applies (e.g. during or outside working hours). It also adds virus scanning and blocking of specific extensions. In the ACL you also set the score for the web based content scanning, to decide which pages are shown or blocked.
There is one general ACL, for all web traffic in the company, which can be overruled by ACLs which are applied for a specific IP address (e.g. printers, servers…), a group of people or a specific user.
Reporting & statistics
Every action through the proxy is logged on aXsGUARD Gatekeeper. Administrators can view and search through these reports during 2 months, or export them and use other analytic tools. A statistics tool is available as well which gives a complete overview of web and mail behavior. Statistics can be viewed per client, per website and per hour.
Technical specifications:
Hardware specifications | ||||||
AG2504 | AG3443r2 | AG3604r2 | AG5506 | AG5536 | AG7500 | |
Operating System | Gatekeeper Core OS | Gatekeeper Core OS | Gatekeeper Core OS | Gatekeeper Core OS | Gatekeeper Core OS | Gatekeeper Core OS |
Chassis Form Factor | Desktop model | 1U Rack Mount | 1U Rack Mount | 1U Rack Mount | 1U Rack Mount | 2U Rack Mount |
Processor Type | Intel® Atom™ N450 processor | Intel® Atom™ D510 processor | Intel® Atom™ D525 | Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E8400 3GHz 1333MHz 6MB LGA775 | Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E8400 3GHz 1333MHz 6MB LGA775 | Intel® Xeon Proc. 5620/2.26GHz/5.86GTs 12MB |
Memory | 1 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SO-DIMM | 2GB 667MHz DDR2 SO-DIMM | 4GB 800MHz DDR3 SO-DIM | 4GB 800MHz DDR2 ECC CL5 DIMM | 4GB 800MHz DDR2 ECC CL5 DIMM | 12GB 1066Mhz DDR3 ECC CL7 |
Disk n/size | 1 x HDD/160 GB SATA 2.5" 5400rpm 8MB | 1 x HDD/WD RE4/250GB SATA 7200rpm 64MB | 1 x HDD/WD RE4/500GB SATA 7200rpm 64MB | 1 x HDD/WD RE4/500GB SATA 7200rpm 64MB | 2 x HDD/WD RE4/500GB SATA 7200rpm 64MB | 2 x HDD/WD RE4/500GB SATA 7200rpm 64MB |
Hot Swappable | No | No | No | No | No | YES |
Raid formatted | No | No | No | No | No | RAID1 |
Power Supply | 60W, 15V power adapter | AC 100~240V, 50/60 Hz, 4-2 Amp Max 200W max 80 PLUS Certified |
AC 100~240V, 50/60 Hz, 4-2 Amp Max 200W max 80 PLUS Certified |
AC 100~240V, 50/60 Hz, 4-2 Amp Max 200W max 80 PLUS Certified |
AC 100~240V, 50/60 Hz, 4-2 Amp Max 200W max 80 PLUS Certified |
AC 100~240V, 50/60 Hz, 10-4 Amp Max 700W max 80 PLUS Certified |
Power Redundancy | No | No | No | No | No | Hot swappable |
Network Ports | 4 GbE NIC | 3 GbE NIC | 4 GbE NIC | 6 GbE NIC | 6 GbE NIC | 10 GbE NIC |
Management | Web GUI SSH Consoleport |
Web GUI SSH Consoleport |
Web GUI SSH Consoleport |
Web GUI SSH Consoleport |
Web GUI SSH Consoleport |
Web GUI SSH Consoleport |
Dimensions (W/H/D) | 182 x 150 x 40mm 7.1" x 5.9" x 1.65" |
437mm x 43mm x 249mm 17.2" x 1.7" x 9.8" |
437mm x 43mm x 249mm 17.2" x 1.7" x 9.8" |
426mm x 43mm x 365mm 16.8" x 1.7" x 14" |
426mm x 43mm x 365mm 16.8" x 1.7" x 14" |
437mm x 89mm x 450mm 17.2" x 3.5" x 17.7" |
Weight | 0,8 kg (< 1.8 lbs) excl adapter 1,1 kg (< 2.4 lbs) incl adapter |
6,7 kg (<15lbs) | 6,7 kg (<15lbs) | 7.7 kg (<17 lbs) | kg (< lbs) | 17.6 kg (<38.8 lbs) |
Compliance to standards | Safety UL, CE, ECC-EMC, LVD | Safety UL, C-UL, CE EMC FCC, CE Environment RoHS | Safety UL, C-UL, CE EMC FCC, CE Environment RoHS | Safety UL, C-UL, CE EMC FCC, CE Environment RoHS | Safety UL, C-UL, CE EMC FCC, CE Environment RoHS | Safety UL, C-UL, CE EMC FCC, CE Environment RoHS |
Mounting Position | Desktop model | Horizontal orientation, 19" Rack, 1 U |
Horizontal orientation, 19" Rack, 1 U |
Horizontal orientation, 19" Rack, 1 U |
Horizontal orientation, 19" Rack, 1 U |
Horizontal orientation, 19" Rack, 2 U |
Operating Temperature | 5°C to 35°C, 40°F to 90°F. Fanless | 10 to 35 °C, 50 to 90 °F | 10 to 35 °C, 50 to 90 °F | 10 to 35 °C, 50 to 90 °F | 10 to 35 °C, 50 to 90 °F | 10 to 35 °C, 50 to 90 °F |
Operating Humidity | 20 to 90% (non-condensing) | 8 to 90% (non-condensing) | 8 to 90% (non-condensing) | 8 to 90% (non-condensing) | 8 to 90% (non-condensing) | 8 to 90% (non-condensing) |
Storage Temperature | 0°C to 70°C, 32°F to 158°F | -40 to +70 °C, -40 to 158 °F | -40 to +70 °C, -40 to 158 °F | -40 to +70 °C, -40 to 158 °F | -40 to +70 °C, -40 to 158 °F | -40 to +70 °C, -40 to 158 °F |
Storage Humidity | 5 to 95% (non-condensing) |
5 to 95% (non-condensing) |
5 to 95% (non-condensing) |
5 to 95% (non-condensing) |
5 to 95% (non-condensing) |
5 to 95% (non-condensing) |
Virtual Gatekeeper Specs | ||||
VG1000 | VG2000 | VG4000 | VG8000 | |
Supported Virtual Machines | ||||
X | X | X | X |
X | X | X | X |
X | X | X | X |
Number of processors | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 |
Amount of RAM | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 |
Eth Port | 4 | 4 | 6 | 10 |
Recommended users | ||||
25 | 50 | 250 | 1500 |
Standard |
10 | 25 | 100 | 1000 |
10 | 25 | 100 | 1000 |
Specifications Personal aXsGUARD | |
Model | AG1497 |
Dimensions (W X D X H) | 9.6x6.4x1.3 in.(243x160.6x32.5mm) |
Standards | IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n |
Internet port | One 10/100/1000 RJ-45 Port |
Ethernet | Four 10/100/1000 RJ-45 Switched Ports, WIFI |
Wireless Frequency | 2.4GHz & 5GHz |
Wireless Signal Rate | 2.4GHz: Up to 300Mbps 5GHz: Up to 450Mbps |
Antenna | 3 external detachable dual band antennas (RP-SMA) |
LEDs | Power, System, wifi 2.4G, wifi 5G, LAN (1 - 4), WAN, WPS |
Cabling Type | CAT5, CAT5e, CAT6 |
RF Power (EIRP) in dBm | <20dBm |
Security Features | Statefull Packet Inspection Firewall, Internet Policy, Central management on corporate aXsGUARD Gatekeeper, PKI Certificates (can be generated by the CA of the central aXsGUARD), Custom NAT rules, routing, DHCP Server, UPnP, NATPMP, SNAT |
Internet Connections | DHCP client, PPPoE with external xDSL modem, Static/Dynamic PPtP client, Static IP address |
Remote access |
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