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Advanced Mobile Application Security
for an Evolving Ecosystem

e-Signatures for transaction validation and document signing


Consumers want to use mobile applications for everything from banking to shopping to gaming, and businesses are responding by creating an increasing number of mobile applications to capture consumers who previously might have come into a brick and mortar location, or visited a website.

However, mobile is notoriously flawed when it comes to security measures. As you bring your services into the mobile ecosystem, there’s great potential for expanding your business, but also great potential for threats – to your organization as well as to your customers. When it comes to mobile applications, improving security across all areas of an application is critical. Vulnerabilities or weaknesses in any area of a mobile application can open an organization up to risk and may result in serious consequences, including data loss, fraud, loss of revenue, and even damage to brand reputation.

Mobile App Security

With VASCO’s solutions for mobile security, you can bring new and inter-connected levels of security to your mobile application so you can reduce threats, combat fraud and even improve the mobile user experience. With VASCO, all core components of your application can now be secured at every level, with protection that is easily integrated, transparent to users, and designed to keep developers focused on what matters – creating new features that drive your business forward.


DIGIPASS for Apps is a comprehensive software development kit (SDK) that natively integrates complete mobile security, Two-factor authentication and electronic signing into your mobile applications. Through a robust library of APIs, you can extend and strengthen security for your applications and deliver unprecedented convenience to your users, while streamlining the application deployment and lifecycle management process.

DIGIPASS for Mobile
DIGIPASS for Mobile balances the need for stronger mobile security with user demands for convenience by delivering a frictionless, “hands-free” Two-factor authentication and e-signing experience along with built-in application security to ensure that any application running on a mobile platform is self-protected in all the aspects of application runtime.

MYDIGIPASS™ is VASCO’s cloud-based, Two-factor authentication service that enables application providers to deliver a single and secure login experience for their users, across multiple web and mobile applications. MYDIGIPASS has been designed with the needs of the service provider in mind, delivering the unique and powerful combination of industry-leading security, intuitive end-user experience, and a cost-effective and scalable deployment model.


Banking-Level Protection
Today, more than 1,700 banking and financial organizations trust VASCO to secure their highly sensitive and confidential information. This technology is now available to application developers and providers, and is based on VASCO’s holistic approach to security, from technical security controls to procedures and certifications.

Comprehensive Mobile Security
Bring new, inter-connected levels of security to your application to reduce threats and combat fraud. With VASCO’s solutions, all core components of a mobile application can now be secured at every level, and protection is easily integrated, without performance disruptions or end user visibility.

“Hands Free” Mobile User Experience
With broad, flexible, fully integrated Two-factor authentication and electronic signing options, you can deliver on the simplicity and convenience demands unique to your mobile users, even for the most sensitive transactions. Can be integrated via server or SaaS.

Streamlined Development & Deployment
VASCO’s solutions have been designed to be flexible and friendly for application developers, so they can focus on application features that drive new business opportunity. VASCO also offers full-service implementation support for any component of your project, from design to publishing.

Improved Risk-based Analysis
Risk scoring that is driven by user, platform and context elements is embedded into the authentication process, meeting requirements for enhanced server-side analytics and streamlined compliance management.