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Other Industry Solutions
all industries face the same threats and risks.

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Solutions for all Industries

The threat of cyber-attacks continues to spread. The sophistication of attack methods used by hackers continues to rise and the number of attacks hits new records every year. As financial institutions and other traditional targets of criminal hacking organizations have increased their security measures, hackers have turned to other industry segments. Today, all industries from Agriculture to Defense to Energy and Transportation all face the same threats and risks.

Attackers want to reap a profit by stealing valuable assets or by extorting a ransom under the threat of causing damage, or perhaps they have been hired by an unscrupulous competitor to interfere with your business. Regardless of the reasons, everyday organizations across all industries are under increasing assault.

Authentication is a process that combats criminal hacking activities by verifying that a user is who they claim to be. It is growing in importance as the frequency and cost of data breaches increases. The 2014 Data Breach Investigation Report from Verizon identified that two out of three breaches exploited weak or stolen passwords and that is exactly the risk we eliminate.

We have a powerful foundation as the number one provider of authentication solutions to financial institutions with more than half of the top 100 banks in the world using VASCO solutions. We are battle-proven in the most hostile hacker environment in existence.