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Network Security Solution

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Do you know who is accessing your sensitive information and network resources?

As an SME with aggressive growth and revenue goals, you may have limited resources. Yet you do not need a large budget or IT department to ensure the security of your network and its users.

Though common, traditional static passwords may present the largest security vulnerability in your SME’s network. Across all industries and in companies of all sizes, a much stronger virtual proof of identity is needed wherever confidential data and resources are involved.

A virtual proof of identity is simply verification that a person attempting to log into a network or application is in fact the person they claim to be. This is easily achieved through VASCO’s two-factor authentication.


DIGIPASS Pack for Remote Authentication is specifically designed for SMEs. It offers a high-level of security to organizations with limited IT resources and budgets. With a low total cost of ownership, it is suitable for organizations with as few as five remote users.


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