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Mobile Banking - Strong Authentication
Mobile Banking Application Becomes The "KEY" To The Bank

Mobile Banking Application Becomes The "KEY" To The Bank


With the potential to create everything from new revenue opportunities, to increased customer acquisition to cost savings, mobile is changing the landscape of banking as we know it. The rollout of foundational mobile services is already yielding tremendous success, and by increasing security while keeping a keen eye on user experience, leading banks and financial services providers can offer more advanced mobile services, which will play a key role in their growth strategies.

Mobile Banking

With VASCO you can:

Explore our Solutions By elevating trust in your mobile applications and improving user experience, you can securely offer more services via mobile, and improve capabilities and user experience for your other banking channels in the process.

Mobile App Security DIGIPASS for Apps increases the trust level across all areas of mobile banking – user, device and application – so you can eliminate threats to your mobile banking platform, securely deliver more high value mobile services, and improve mobile user experience.

Innovative User Authentication VASCO offers the most innovative and convenient solutions for mobile, including CrontoSign, our innovative visual transaction signing solution that improves on both security and convenience for users, as well as Bluetooth-enabled technologies.

Real-time Fraud Prevention The robust fraud prevention capabilities of IDENTIKEY Risk Manager, can help you improve the manner and speed at which you detect fraud across multiple channels, including mobile.